Mold or Mildew Damaged Video Tape Repair Services

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Mold Damaged VHS Tapes
Mold and Mildew is usually visible
Mold or mildew damage can appear as white, gray or black colonies growing inside the cassette or on top of the tape’s reels, but it can also be hidden on the portion that is wound up on the reels and it could be undetectable until playback is attempted, at which point you would probably hear sound but not see a picture on your TV as the heads of your equipment become fouled. The mostly-sealed environment of a videotape and the lubrication layer of the tape itself is a prime candidate for mold growth, but there is no reason to throw your tapes away, it is very likely that your footage can be salvaged!

Our overall recovery rate for mold and mildew exposure is extremely high
Our process for mold remediation is time-tested, exacting and very effective using methods that have been developed over the course of two decades. We use a combination of custom built equipment, care and experience to remediate the mold on each damaged tape and recover its footage. Each second of footage is priceless and we treat every tape we work with as if it were our own.

Each videotape that has been exposed to mold or mildew must be individually assessed since there is a wide range of damage that can occur, but most tapes can be cleaned and restored with the vast majority of their footage recovered. Very rarely the colonies can start to etch the tape's surface, literally "eating" away the magnetic material and causing permanent interference from missing data even though the tape has been restored. We do not charge an assessment fee and there would not be a charge to you unless your tape can be repaired with footage of value recovered.

$69.50 per tape repaired for mold or mildew damage
VHS, S-VHS, VHS-C, miniDV, miniDV HD and Audio Cassette - anything and everything that's wrong with your tape in addition to the mold exposure is covered, please visit our FAQ page for details regarding the repair process for 8mm / Video8, Hi8 and Digital8 tapes. Discount pricing is available.

Discount pricing
The repair process for mildew or mold exposed tapes is slow and gentle in order to increase the chances that footage can be recovered; working with tapes in batches allows us to be more efficient. If you send in 5 - 9 mold-damaged tapes we can offer 10% off of the repairs and if you send in 10 tapes or more in a batch we can take 20% off of the repair costs. When you place an order you will see a prompt that will ask if you will be sending more than one tape and the discounted price will be reflected in the automated quote you receive.